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Aktiviti terkini oleh Amanda-
Amanda mencipta pos,
SUZUWALK App Version 1.2.0: Introducing Chatting Function
Dear valued customer, We are delighted to announce the highly anticipated release of Suzuwalk version 1.2.0, featuring the exciting addition of the Chatting function, scheduled to launch on July 13...
Amanda mencipta pos,
Announcement about distribution of SOTd3
We are delighted to inform you that the SOTd3 was distributed on July 03, 2023. These are the detailed of our distributions: The total SOTd and SOT aggregate supply amount is 100,000,000 tokens...
Amanda mencipta pos,
Notice about QR Code Scanning Issue
Dear customers,We have identified an issue for Android users who upgraded to Android 13, specifically regarding accessing the Picture library while scanning QR codes to add friends in our app. This...
Amanda mencipta pos,
[SUZUVERSE/SUZUWALK] Notice of launching new SUZUWALK version 1.1.9
Dear valued customer, We are excited to announce the upcoming release of version 1.1.9 of SUZUWALK, which will be launched on May 18, 2023. This new version will come with several adjustments and ...
Amanda mencipta pos,
Agreement reached with QURAS Project on the establishment of a strategic partnership
Dear customer, On 5 May 2023, SUZUVERSE signed a strategic partnership agreement with the operator of the QURAS Project (https://quras.io/jp/ , a project aimed at protecting personal data in the ...
Amanda mencipta pos,
Dear Customer, We are pleased to announce the latest version of SUZUWALK, 1.1.8, set to launch on April 26th, 2023. As part of this update, we are proud to present our collaboration with Gamefi360,...
Amanda memberi komen,
ご投稿いただき、誠にありがとうございました。 3D機能についてですが、3Dアバターを購入すると、そのアバターで愛犬の外見を変えることができます。愛犬を捨てるわけではなく、あくまで外見を変えるだけです。 また、NFTの価値を高めるために、より多くの機能を開発する予定です。どうぞご期待ください。 その他、ご質問等ございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。このコメントに返信していただくか、su...
Amanda memberi komen,
この度は大変申し訳ございませんでした。 SUZUWALKアプリの登録メールを教えてください。 ログファイルとともにスクリーンショットまたはビデオアロングを support@suzuwalk.io までお送りください。ログファイルの取得方法については、こちらの記事をご参照ください:ログファイルの送信方法 確認し、最適な解決策を探します。 あなたのメールをお待ちしています。
Amanda mencipta pos,
[SUZUVERSE/SUZUWALK] Notice of launching new version 1.1.6
SUZUVERSE is thrilled to announce the release of SUZUWALK version 1.1.6, along with new features in SUZUVERSE which will be available from April 18, 2023. As previously announced, the launch of ver...
Amanda mencipta pos,
Notice about the App Maintenance
Dear Customers We would like to inform you that we will be performing maintenance on our app on Monday April 3rd from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM (GMT + 9). During this time, the App will not be available. ...