To those who are interested in becoming a scholar to earn additional income, please kindly complete your profile registration by accessing the Scholar GameFi360 Registration Form - Suzuwalk Project. Kindly note that currently, Gamefi360 only accepts scholars from Southeast Asia countries. We are actively working towards expanding our reach and will keep you updated on any changes to this policy.
Gamefi360 website:
Here's how you can get started:
Step 1: Access the Scholar GameFi360 Registration Form To register as a scholar, please access the Scholar GameFi360 Registration Form - Suzuwalk Project.
Step 2: Fill in the Registration Form Once you access the registration form, kindly complete your profile registration by filling in all the necessary information required, such as your name, email address, and other details.
Step 3: Submit the Registration Form After completing the registration form, please submit it for review. At this moment, you have registered successfully to be our Scholar for SUZUWALK.
Step 4: When there is any contract for you, we will send an email notification along with a SUZUWALK account and further instruction for processing.
Step 5: After received your Scholar account, you can start walking to earn SZT from the dog assigned to you. For walking instruction, please check this article: Dog Activity
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team for further assistance.