There are 3 types of affiliate in our system: Official Affiliate, Official Partner and Official Senior Affiliate. At first when you access Hubspot, your referrers will be mixed up together. In order to categorize them for better monitoring your referrers, please follow the steps below:
1. Access Hubspot:
2. Click on Contact owner -> Choose Me to see all of your referrers
3. Click on Advanced filter -> Add filter:
4. Choose Introduce type -> Because their are 3 types of referrers, fill in either Official Senior Affiliate or Official Partner or Official Affiliate:
5. You will see all of your Official Senior Affiliate or Official Partner or Official Affiliates:
6. In addition, look for the column headers representing the criteria you want to sort by, then click on the small arrow icon next to the corresponding column header. Some criteria such as
- Name
- Created Date: the date this contact is created in Hubspot
- Date of Register: the date this contact is registered in Suzuverse
7. After that, if you prefer to sort them out more according to create date, name, register country, order counts, ect... Just use Advanced filters, there are many fields in Advanced filters to help you filter your referrers however you like.
For example, if you want to sort out all referrers who created their account within this month, click on create date filter -> Choose this month:
Or you want to find the referrers who made 5 orders: Advanced filters -> Order count -> Fill in 5